A Robust Curriculum
Core Classes
Ancillary Classes
After School Enrichment
After Care

Our high performing mathematics program focuses on students not just learning math concepts but truly mastering them. DMP Students receive up to seven hours of weekly mathematics instruction in small groups. These consist of 10 to 14 students and are formed based on ability. Each student is appropriately challenged to reach their full potential, in a low stress learning environment. We do not limit students with grade-level barriers. Students who demonstrate expertise of current grade-level mathematics standards are advanced to a higher grade-level program.
Kindergarten students begin the mathematics process using manipulatives, discovering numbers and patterns, and progressing through place values, basic graphing and the solution of simple equations. Succeeding grades study a full range of math concepts, learning to master computational skills, applying math concepts in problem-solving environments, and concentrating in elements as varied as geometry, statistics and probability, and algebraic linear equations.

Language Arts
A key component in our curriculum is language arts. All students are positioned in small developmentally-appropriate groups where they receive up to 8 hours of language arts instruction each week.
Beginning with the fundamentals of language and visual/motor development, phonemic awareness, sight word recognition, and sound-symbol association, students continually develop a wealth of indispensable skills as they move through their elementary school years. Lower grade lessons in reading, grammar and oral language proficiency naturally lead to comprehensive studies of comprehension and annotating of great novels, analytical writing, creative composition and public speaking.
Del Mar Pines places considerable emphasis on areas such as literature appreciation, creative voice and structured analysis, as well as the critical requisites of mind-mapping, outlining and gathering research from a variety of credible sources.

We believe children are natural scientists. An engaging and robust science education in elementary school is critical in connecting to children’s curiosity and wonder while getting them excited to learn more. Students in grades K-6 receive weekly science instruction in the classroom plus an additional one hour of hands-on science in the science lab each week.
We use multiple science programs and are aligning our K-6 science curriculum to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will help our students develop a deeper understanding of science beyond memorizing facts, and experience similar scientific and engineering practices as those used by professionals in the field.
Our science program includes interactive science instruction that promotes analysis and interpretation of data, critical thinking, problem-solving, and connections across science disciplines. Each year, students are able to demonstrate a greater capacity for connecting knowledge across, and between, the physical sciences, life sciences, earth and space sciences, and engineering design.

Social Studies
In the Kindergarten and first grade social studies curriculum students are introduced to the broad concepts of relationships, rights and responsibilities. They also explore stories of ordinary and extraordinary people who introduce ideas of fair play, self-control, justice, good sportsmanship, leadership, deliberation and individual accountability. The importance of respecting the rights and opinions of others is a primary focus.
Social Studies in following grades, has students examine the geographic and economic aspects of life in their own neighborhoods, then expand their horizons to State, National and international perspectives. Upper-grade students learn about the physical and cultural landscape of California, study the culture and impact of Native Americans, the subsequent arrival of immigrants, and the impact they have had in forming the character of contemporary society.
Finally, investigations of U.S. history and the relationship between State and Federal governments are complemented by examinations of the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, India, China and Egypt.

Physical Education
We offer a structured physical education program that is wholly aligned with California State Board of Education standards. Students engage in scheduled physical education classes twice per week, either on the School’s AstroPlay soccer field, basketball court, or playground equipment.
From kindergarten through sixth grade, children enhance their movement skills by balancing, bending and stretching, twisting and turning, tensing and relaxing, and participating in goal-oriented rhythmic and play activities that require movement. Using hoops, balls and a variety of other props, students build self confidence while learning motor skills, physical fitness, and sportsmanship.
All activities help children manage their bodies efficiently, and develop aerobic capacity, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. A variety of sports and sporting events are used to help develop the essential life skills of teamwork and fair play, and all students in third through sixth grades work towards achievement of Presidential Fitness Awards.

Music & Performing Arts
DMP students receive weekly instruction in music and have numerous opportunities to create, perform, and respond to music. The program follows a sequential kindergarten through sixth grade progression of musical objectives based on standards from the National Coalition for Core Arts.
Students use a variety of instruments including hand held percussion, Orff instruments, Kidstix stations, boomwackers, recorders and ukuleles and they are exposed to music of different cultures and mediums including classical, ethnic, patriotic and jazz. Students in grades 4-6 use the Flipgrid app to make recordings of their individual bucket drumming and body percussion performances. As young composers, they use the Chrome Song maker program to create their own compositions.
DMP students also enjoy two unique performing art experiences each year. The first is a mini-musical performed by each class and directly related to grade level social studies subject matter. The second is a grand school wide performance known as Spring Sing. This original scripted evening production combines singing, dancing, acting, dancing, drama and costuming.

Spanish Language
Spanish classes foster a safe and engaging learning environment where context is relevant to students, providing a space for them to experiment with Spanish, learn to negotiate meaning, share information and opinions, and have FUN. Our Spanish program starts in Kindergarten and continues through sixth grade.
We provide each student with two 30 minute classes each week. The goals of this program are to: build increased Spanish proficiency with each year of study, promote global awareness and cross-cultural understanding and develop positive attitudes toward other cultures and learning other languages.
Instruction is proficiency-oriented with a greater emphasis on meaningful communication than grammatical structure. Students will first understand and then produce in the language. The curriculum is aligned to the National World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, based upon the 5 C’s: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, communities.

Visual Arts
Art is an important tool for learning and a basic part of human nature. We create art for our own pleasure as well as to communicate. The visual arts provide not only a way for our children to express thoughts, feelings, and hopes, but also the means for them to learn more about history and the world. Art can help our children express their thoughts and ideas when words fall short. It can also aid them to become better learners by helping them analyze, interpret, and work hard to complete a goal.
Del Mar Pines teaches art as a global language, with its own alphabet (the elements of art) and grammar (the principles of art). The examination of techniques and styles used by celebrated artists demonstrates how this language can be used effectively. The Del Mar Pines’ visual and creative arts program is based on standards established by the National Art Education Board.
During class students are offered ample opportunities to express ideas, feelings and emotions in their own personal styles. They explore creative alternatives and reflect, analyze and evaluate the merits of their efforts. They also study the works of others, learning to understand the concerns and choices made by artists from different historical periods and traditions.

Hands-on Science
Hands-on science is where students actively investigate scientific questions and physically do experiments to better understand the concept being taught. This hands-on approach has been shown to be significantly more effective at increasing understanding and retention than a lecture and reading a textbook. Plus learning is always easier when it's fun!
DMP students develop the scientific practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards and classes take place in our state of the art science lab. Hands-on science classes consist of engaging, hands-on investigations that stimulate students’ curiosity and inquiry. Students have the opportunity to further explore what they are investigating in their classroom science content. All grades have one hour of hands-on science a week with the hands-on science teacher in the new science lab.
Our students learn to ask questions (for science) and define problems (for engineering). They develop and use models, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data and use math and computational thinking. They also learn about evaluating and communicating information and engaging in arguments from evidence.

We use technology to transform learning and teaching Technology class is a project-based curriculum covering the fundamental skills of technology with 1:1 access to iPads (K-3) and MacBook Air’s (3-6). Once a week for an hour, every DMP student has the chance to experience technology-enhanced learning.
Our technology curriculum is based on the International Society for Technology Education Standards with a focus on helping students become empowered learners, digital citizens, problem solvers, and global collaborators. Some technology skills students learn include:
The Del Mar Pines Technology program also produces several special events throughout the school year to further inspire our students with computer science: Hour of Code, Third Grade Film Festival, Typing Challenge Month, and the DMP Arcade–a student-friendly arcade with games coded by our own students.

Our library offers a lovingly cultivated reading collection both print and online with weekly instruction, for all students, to expand their literary experience. We are committed to making the library an inspiring and fun place to be. Our library goals are to:
- Provide a wide selection of reading materials
- Make the library space interesting, inviting and comfortable
- Offer lessons and learning opportunities through literature
- Promote collaborative learning
2020 Update: Due to the extraordinary circumstances and carefully planned health protocols, students enjoy their library visits either in their own classrooms or in our outdoor class space. Currently, students may not check out books but, each week, our librarian shares a variety of story selections and encourages awareness of our DMP School Values through curated literature experiences.

To support the whole child, Del Mar Pines School offers upper grade students supplemental education to prepare our students for the social and emotional stressors including: peer pressure, self esteem, body image, vaping and drugs. Our school Psychologist has built a foundational program for our students to develop good interpersonal relations and prepare them for future social and emotional success. Fourth and fifth grade students focus on communication and problem solving skills while sixth grade emphasizes drug awareness and prevention.
DMP 4th and 5th grade students learn how to identify problems and prospective solutions, analyze consequences and select and implement plans of action that best suit the issue. They learn the differences between assertiveness and aggression and specific skills to help them express their opinions and feelings without intimidating or disrespecting others.
In 6th grade students participate in Project Alert, a comprehensive program that teaches effective resistance skills to drugs, tobacco and alcohol. The curriculum is designed to respond to the developmental changes that occur prior to and during middle school years Each student is taught to resist peer pressure and make positive choices. In meeting these goals, their ability to adopt new behavior and change difficult behavior is heightened.

Enrichment Classes
Del Mar Pines offers an impressive variety of after school enrichment programs to accommodate busy parents’ schedules as well as curious students’ minds and imaginations. Enrichment classes vary throughout the school year and are offered in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Typically enrichment classes include Mad Science, Computer Programing, Mountain Boarding, Chess, Woodworking, Archery, Lego, Math Club, Science Club, Yearbook, Art, Fencing, Gymnastics, Band, and Mindfulness, Yoga and more. Classes vary depending on availability of space, instructors and vendors.
If your child is not picked up when their enrichment class ends, they will be automatically enrolled in After Care.
After School classes are paid in the front office when enrolling. Enrollment details vary depending on day of week, holidays, time of year, and the age of students. All classes begin at 3:15 p.m. Most classes last one-hour.
Fall: Mid September – Mid November
Winter: Mid January - Early April
Spring: Late April – Early June
For more information on upcoming enrichment classes please review the school Newsletter and check with the office on space availability.

After Care offers families a flexible option for child supervision either before or after school.
After School Care
After Care is offered between 2:35–5:15 p.m., students are supervised as they play and/or do homework. You do not need to prepay or register your child(ren) in advance. After Care attendance is taken promptly at 2:35 p.m. Students will be signed in at that time.
Please let your child(ren) know on days he/she should report to After Care, if possible. However, if unforeseen circumstances prevent you from picking up your child(ren) by 2:45 p.m., your child(ren) will automatically be enrolled in the After Care program.
After Care fees are $10.00/hour. Fees are assessed in 1-minute increments ($.142/minute). After 5:15 p.m., a surcharge of $1.00 per minute applies. When taking your child from After Care, please sign out the student on the I-Pad and notify an AfterCare teacher.
Families using the After Care service are invoiced approximately once per month, through the Curacubby payment system.
Discover what Makes 6th Grade at DMP so Amazing
Brain-based Teaching Methodologies
C.I.A. Team
The team continues to enhance all curriculum areas and resources to maximize the learning experiences of our students.