April Is National Poetry Month!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue
In this blog article,
We will share a few poems with you!
April is National Poetry Month! Many of the DMP classes will start their poetry units this month.
In this blog post, we are featuring poems written by the 4th Grade Writing class taught by Ms. Lewis!
Poems by DMP 4th Grade
The following two poems are Ekphrastic Poems (Poems inspired by paintings or works of art).
The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Waves crashing down on the sand below
The sea is swaying to and fro
White and blue, a lovely sight
The sound of the birds I wish to recite
Dive deep down to the depths of the seas
Finding riches in an unexpected place
Make the folks fall right to their knees
Poem Written By: Anushka Mittal
DMP 4th Grade
Reflection of Mount Rainer in Tipsoo Lake at Sunrise
The lake reflecting the trees the setting sun and skies
The grass is beautiful shade with the sun shining through
The pink flowers soaking up the fading light
The snow capped mountains in the distance
The trees a deep deep green
Perfect nature can always be seen
Poem Written By: Skylar Hartman
DMP 4th Grade
Haiku Poems
Spring Haiku
Chirping perfectly
All the birdies in their trees
Sing beautifully
Poem Written By:
Karmila Rodarte
DMP 4th Grade
Puppy Haiku
I really love pugs
My cute pug is named Archie
All pugs are funny
Poem Written By:
Colin Paulsen
DMP 4th Grade
The following poems are Cento Poems. Cento means 'patchwork' in Latin.
Cento poems are created by borrowing lines from other poets and using those lines to create new poems that make sense. (The poet must credit the lines borrowed from other poets).
Reach for the Sky
A Cento Poem
If you always try your best (Bitner)
You will go high (Unknown)
Up over the treetops (Silverstein)
Up over the sky (Unknown)
Poem Written By:
Luke Fredberg
DMP 4th Grade
Wings Take Flight
A Cento Poem
There the moon bird rests from his flight, (Silverstein)
Rough winds shake the buds of May, (Shakespeare)
When buffeted and beaten by life's storms (Johnson)
Your hopes with wings take flight (Howell)
Shel Silverstein, “Where the sidewalk ends.”
William Shakespeare, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
James Weldon Johnson, “Beauty that is never old.”
Rachel Howell, “Never give up.”
Poem Written By:
Emma Wang
DMP 4th Grade