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6th and 5th Grade Teacher Update

Aug 06, 2020 | , | Marci McCord

I am thrilled to share with you that our new sixth-grade teacher is Ms. Janie Stoke! Ms. Stoke has been a part of the DMP community since 2007. Initially, Janie was a parent of Kelly Stoke who attended DMP from kindergarten through sixth-grade. She then joined our school as an upper-grade teacher in 2016. Prior to this, Janie taught in public schools and has a total of 24 years of experience - twelve of those years being in 6th grade. She is passionate about the curriculum, special projects, leadership opportunities, and rigor of the sixth-grade year and to share it with her students moving up from fifth grade.  Ms. Stoke has exciting plans and many new ideas to incorporate into our sixth-grade program to make it even stronger, more engaging, and challenging than it has ever been. Please help me welcome Janie to her new sixth-grade teaching position!

Since moving Ms. Stoke to sixth grade created an opening in fifth grade, I am excited to announce that Mrs. Morgan is moving into the full-time fifth-grade classroom teacher position! Mrs. Morgan has been the fourth/fifth grade reading and math teacher for the past two years and has over 20 years of experience teaching mostly third and fourth grades, as well as being an Instructional Coach for math and science for all grades. She is thrilled with this new opportunity to work with the upcoming fifth-grade students and has many engaging and exciting ideas to make the fifth-grade year unique, rigorous, and fun! Please help me welcome Susan to her new fifth-grade teaching position!

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