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Our Students are Engaged Online

Mar 27, 2020 |  | Marci McCord

We have just finished Week 2 of remote learning. It seems like most of us are adjusting well to our “new normal” –  social distancing, “shelter in place”, and working at home for both students and parents. It has been a drastic change, but hopefully, the sacrifices we are making now will “flatten the curve” as we do our part to stop this global pandemic.

We held a staff meeting yesterday to share how our distance learning is working, improvements we can make going forward, and strategies to help one another through these difficult times. Overall, the teachers feel that the students are engaged, working hard, learning and adapting to the new school environment. They also appreciate how supportive and understanding you have been through this transition. Thank you! They are continually learning and experimenting with ways to make their teaching as meaningful and effective as possible for your children.

On Monday, March 30, we will be starting Week 3 of remote teaching and learning with the continued use of Google Classroom as the main source of student information. Parents can access their students’ accounts and see everything that is going on. Students can comment with teachers and other students on assignments to ask for help or clarification. The best way for parents to communicate with teachers is still through email.

Special Events

Special Events are still happening at DMP!! Mona Goetsch and Veronica Scott are looking into how to have a Virtual Talent Show on Friday, April 17th at 9:00 am! A Google Form will be sent to parents for students to complete who are interested in participating. Participation is OPTIONAL, but this event could be a lot of fun for our community. More information will be coming on how this will work.

Featured learning creators

Check out these learning channels offering videos, tutorials and activities appropriate for all different ages and areas of interest.

Channels for families with kids 13 & older

Channels for families with kids 5 & up

Channels for families with preschoolers

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